Self perception - Make Your Idea Of Yourself Positive And Productive

Our self perception is how we perceive ourselves. How we see ourselves. What we see in ourselves and things we do. Valued and not so valued judgments perhaps. Our perception of life and the life we have can easily hold a major sway in deciding the direction our life is going in.

How we observe ourselves. How we identify with ourselves. How accurately do we perceive ourselves? and if we have this perception of ourselves, or a preconceived idea of self? Where does that lead us? Where does that leave us in our journeys through life? How important is all of this to us?

Our perception

Do we have a preconceived idea of our self? If so, is this good or bad? Is it positive or negative? Is it one of interest or disinterest?

Changing or static?

Is our idea of ourselves, our perception of ourselves, our understanding of ourselves - is this constant or changing? Is it related to what we do? Is it related to how we act? Is it related to how successful we are?

Our self perception can be a changing feast. During the good times, during the satisfying and productive times we perceive our self in a good light? But is it the same during times where we have difficulty?

When times are rough . . .

When the going in life gets a little tougher do we rise to the challenge or do we wallow and start to sink? What are we made of?

Our perception of our self can easily be molded by our perception of outer events, by the world outside ourselves. This is easily done, yet why is that? And is it true?

Does anyone have the answers?

Not really. Not all the answers - there are too many questions. But you can attempt to answer some questions for yourself. For yourself, in your own way, in your own time - for you.

Is there a common thread?

Are we not all made up of the same basic ingredients? We can sort out self perception for ourselves. What we make of our life can be put down to many things, but we must be one of the 'major shareholders' in project us.

Our role in life is to make the most of all that we have been given. To rise to challenges, to meet adversity, to work towards our goals, to enjoy the ride we have. Our efforts and contribution in life can come down to how we perceive ourselves and see ourselves. Our self perception helps by supporting our efforts. It aids us when the chips are down. It comes to our rescue when we doubt ourselves.

Our life

A strong sense of self worth and positive self perception are keys to living a productive and enjoyable life. Let us all make the most of our opportunities in life. Let us all make the most of the life we have been given. Let us all give and share as well as take. May our contributions be positive ones and well motivated.

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