Command Responsibility - Make Yourself A Person Of Substance

When you command responsibility you will help low self esteem and define your life. Responsibility makes us more of a person. Life ensures these lessons continue. Responsibility makes us the person we are today and can be tomorrow.

Taking responsibility for what you think, do and feel is all part of your self esteem, part of the way you feel about yourself. To know how to gain self esteem is an essential element of 21st Century living.

Define responsibility

Responsibility makes us. It is something that can make or break us.

If it makes us it can
  • offer structure to our life and our deeds and actions
  • offer hope of fulfilling our potential
  • offer us the chance to lead a full and active life
  • help us to feel better about ourselves
  • help us to respect ourselves more
  • help us to find our place in the world, and cement that place
By defining responsibility in our own lives we can help low self esteem by finding the ways and means of how to gain self esteem.

Think about it if you will, but be positive. Affirm to yourself that you can do it - whatever it might be. And then start and you will achieve.

Command responsibility and doubt will recede. Negative thoughts can be banished. Doubters can be silenced (and will move onto easier prey).

How to gain self esteem

When we feel responsible for something it adds importance to our lives. When we choose responsibility we take another step in life, learn another of life's lessons. It gives us something to focus on. Something to energize us. Something that we can infuse with a little bit of our own magic.

It might seem scary, and often is. But once started then we can feel truly alive once again. A part of life. An important part of life.

And another hurdle can be overcome. Overcome one and the next one is easier.

And another obstacle can be overcome. Overcome one and the next one is easier.

And another task is accomplished. Accomplish one and the next one is easier.

And another challenge can be met. Meet one and the next one is easier.

Self acceptance is heightened. Self respect is increased. Self confidence is enhanced. Self image is bolstered. Self esteem is enhanced.

Help low self esteem

If added responsibility makes us start to crack we may
  • start to blame ourselves for not putting in the effort, or for not succeeding where we feel we should
  • feel liable and vulnerable to fears and uncertainties, doubts and confusion - all of which will hardly help our cause
  • feel guilt for not trying hard enough, or trying hard but not making it (when compared with our friends and mates)
Responsibilites are a part of life. We cannot ignore them. We are all responsible for something, if only ourselves and our part/place in this world.

With low self esteem we find this an added burden. I cannot even look after myself let alone try to look after somebody else or something else. But is this really the case?

But if we just start a step at a time. Start small and do something small. Achieve that. Rest if necessary. Feel a little bit of energy and try something more. Something extra. And achieve that. And sooner rather than later we can be on a little bit of a roll - if we just let it - and in these small successes we can feel that little bit better about ourselves.

Our self worth has improved.

Command responsibility and overcoming low self esteem can be a thing of the past.

Can I command responsibility?

Yes. A resounding yes!

But at the end of the day responsibility does come with a price. What is responsibility?
  • It should not be a duty, not just a duty
  • It should not become a burden for us
  • It should not be seen as being too hard
  • It should not be seen as too soft
  • It should not be seen as weak and pathetic
  • It should not be seen as anything but what it is . . .
We need to be able to shake those feelings off and
  • start to realize just what we are capable of
  • the responsibilities we have shouldered in the past and succeeded with
  • what we know we can do in life
  • what we know is down to us, and down to us alone
We need to apply ourselves and work at it like we mean it.
  • common sense
  • a rational and not emotional approach
  • our caring nature
  • our best efforts
And in applying ourselves we can find that we can command responsibility and command ourselves. There is no real power without responsibility. Our power in life does not live in a vacuum.

Of the ingredients of life, love and responsibility are two of the most important. Realize that and we will have taken a big step forward. In what we have achieved it may seem small, but as a step forward in life it is huge.
And don't just stop there.

Do something more right now. Try to do something new(er) each day.

Start small and get bigger in your efforts. Strive to achieve more and you will.

Think you can and you can and will!

Then all will know that you are taking your life seriously. (And being a success in your own and very unique way.)

I hope that you found this article useful. Let me know by sending me your feedback using this link.

All best,

Martin W

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