Define Principles: Let Them Be A Power For Good In Your Life

Define principles in your life. You can honor integrity, learn to choose hope and learn from failure. Living the now habit gets things done without procrastination. Know the benefits of optimism, get motivated, command responsibility and keep on smilin'. Life can really be great for you.

When you have principles on your life it has greater meaning. You know how to tackle life with vigor but fairness, with directness and direction. You know where you want to go and the route you wish to take.

Principles, values and standards are our judge for good thought, deed and action. They are our moral compass. They give us firm foundations and the basis to live a life where we can help others as well as ourselves.

Benefits of optimism

Know the benefits of optimism in your life. Optimism affects you in many ways.

Seeing the best in people and situations. Looking for the good and leaving the negative behind. Having a glass half full attitude to all that life has to throw at you.

Optimism benefits you.

Your qualities. Outgoing, contributing and positive. Number one orientated, clutching and grabbing and negative.

Your temperament. Unflappable and looking out for others. Emotional, grasping and me orientated.

Your view of life. Sincere, belonging and inclusive. Unreal, threatening and debilitating.

The now habit

The now habit gets things done.

Living in the here and now means just that. Living in the moment.

Being aware of the past and bringing its lessons to the present.

Acknowledging that the future has a certain draw, but realizing that right now is the only time and place that you can influence and change.

Make your efforts count.

In the now you can help yourself each day by:
  • choose hope and live positively
  • finding how to keep cool in tense situations
  • realize the benefits of optimism
  • learning to trust again
  • adopting the now habit
  • encourage healthy habits for life
  • command responsibility and do things with purpose
  • find nature s way
  • learn from failure
  • keep on smilin'
  • honor integrity
  • releasing guilt
  • following your heart
  • finding your roots
  • finding opportunity (even when it least exists)
The more of these (and others you may think of yourself) you follow each day, the more life will be a bright and rewarding experience for you.

Choose hope

Choose hope and life will be a rich and fulfilling experience.

What do you bring to life to keep to uplift it from the ordinary to grasp a little slice of the extraordinary?

Your resolve.

Your integrity.

Your individuality.

Your set of values. Principles on which to base your thoughts, deeds and actions.

And, putting all this together, where does this leave you.

Honor integrity

Honor integrity and you will go far and be respected along the way, too.

What sort of person are you?

Do people find you friendly and approachable or offish and over powering?

Do people seek your knowledge and wisdom or avoid your patronizing, arrogant and know it all manner?

Do people like to be on your team or do they hold back seeking easier pastures?

Do people offer to help you if you are in a scrape or look the other way and hope that you do not notice?

What are you like?
Do you see yourself as others see you? What are you like?

Are you the following?
  • you are courageous
  • you are resolute
  • you are committed
  • you speak your own mind
  • you listen to others
  • you share and give
  • you help and support others
  • you seek out the common good and that is your focused aim

Define principles in your life.

You are a person of integrity. A person steeped in honor. A person who others see as supportive and caring.

You are moving on in your life but not at the expense of others.

You are finding your niche and developing as a person.

Character is no longer an ugly word for you, but one you can now feel justifiably proud of - as you look back on your progress in life.

You have come a long way but realize that there is still work to do and things to accomplish.

But you are enjoying the ride.

So remember to define principles in your life. Live by them. Be the better person for them.

I hope that you found this article useful. Let me know by sending me your feedback using this link.

All best,

Martin W

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