Having A Healthy Self Esteem Is A Defining Aspect Of Your Life

What is self esteem? Your healthy self-esteem means you are happy with yourself as you are. How do you look at it, how do you define it? Is such a definition possible? Here goes . . .

You cope well with criticism and learn from your own mistakes. Hurdles don't defeat you. You enjoy action. You are open when you communicate but not trying to prove yourself. You feel self reliant and not critical of others. You are able to laugh at yourself. And you enjoy your life. Have a balanced view of life. Those elements help to provide a simple description or definition of self-esteem.

Manage your esteem

You must manage your esteem. Have an optimistic outlook on live. Love what you do. Be positive. Think positive. Develop a good attitude to life. Realize you cannot control life. Have a relaxed attitude and enjoy a healthy self esteem.

Life is good

You've built your self esteem. Life is good. With your healthy self confidence you respect both yourself and others. You don't criticise yourself and deal well with your emotions. You know what you want and you go for it. You're happy to reward yourself when you succeed. Should you fail at anything you don't drop your head. You're up there. You try harder, become stronger and wiser. It was worth building that self-esteem, that life of yours.

Other qualities

What are it's other qualities? You change the way you talk to yourself - you don't put yourself down. You've learned that to beat yourself up is self defeating. You forgive yourself. You feel confident in your abilities. You're rightly proud of your achievements. You are comfortable with your strengths. You don't judge yourself unreasonably. You are at ease with yourself. You like yourself. You're humble, but not excessively so. You have a good balance in life and have a lot of fun.

Self care

The reason you have a healthy self esteem is that you look after yourself. Self care - looking after your needs - is high on your agenda. You nurture the way you feel about yourself. Your healthy self awareness means that you treat yourself with respect and dignity. You give thanks fro the life you have. You reflect and appreciate your qualities and strengths. These are great habits for both raising and maintaining your healthy esteem.

Self awareness

Awareness of yourself helps you with your esteem. You attend to both your needs and your goals. To build your healthy esteem means that you listen to life. You use your senses, your intuition. Living consciously means that you see other people's points of view. You learn from what you do.You take care of yourself in every way - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You're taking responsibility for your life. You have a sense of purpose. Your life has direction. You act with conviction. You respect other people's differences. All in all, your life is moving forward in a fruitful, productive way. Life is great.

Esteem is

Self esteem is being a confident, respectful, satisfied person who accepts their life. This shapes how you view, interact and experience life and the world you live in. Gives you a firm foundation. Influences how you see yourself and your life.

What's important?

Your esteem is important in your life. Your self value, self worth is crucial. How you view yourself, your self image is in the mix, too. With your positive esteem you look and feel good. You're loveable and capable. But you back it up with an effective, productive life. You feel a valuable person making an important contribution to life.


One of the benefits with your healthy self esteem is that you are able to contribute and create your own piece of life. You have struggled in the past, but your self confidence allow you to make the difference you've always wanted. You can focus your mind and go after your dreams and goals. You are participating in creating and designing your own life. Life feels good.

Self worth

Many view esteem as self worth. That is, how much do you life yourself. Other people can affect your view of yourself if you let them. We can so easily be influenced. How you look reflects the level at which you 'esteem' yourself. It can show in your personality and how you behave. Don't let a downward spiral or worse, a vicious circle, lead you to low self-esteem. Realize you are not alone. You're an important and valuable individual.Tell yourself. Affirm it. You're in control. You feel great. Let your personality shine through. Just remember - your self confidence, self esteem is dependent upon you.

Realize what you make of, and the effort you put into, your self-esteem really does affect your life and how you live it. Go to it.

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